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生炒腊味饭 Fried Glutinous Rice with Waxed Meat

RM 68.00

配送日期:22 ~ 27 January 2025

Delivery Date: 22 ~ 27 January 2025

🥢 厨师倾心制作的『生炒腊味饭』,每一粒糯米都饱吸酱油的独特风味,腊肠、润肠的鲜香让人欲罢不能 🍚。无需繁琐准备,只需简单加热,即可享用这道满载风味的经典美食!


🥢 The chef’s handcrafted ‘Fried Glutinous Rice with Waxed Meat’ 🍚 bursts with rich flavours, as each grain of glutinous rice is infused with the savoury soy sauce, which blends perfectly with the deliciously dried sausages 😋! Best of all, it requires minimal preparation—just reheat and enjoy this timeless dish!


※All CNY products will be delivered in frozen and vacuum-sealed condition.


每趟运送将征收 RM30 运送费。
※RM30 delivery fees will be charged per trip

※Only one shipping address per order.


※Prices are subject to 6% government tax.

配送区域:Kedah, Penang, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Kelantan, Selangor. 
Delivery Areas Covered: Kedah, Penang, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Kelantan, Selangor.